Keynote Speakers
(click on each speaker to see more info.)
Gerald H. PollackUniversity of Washington, USA
Roumiana TsenkovaKobe University, Japan
Masato YasuiKeio University, Japan
Yuichi OgawaKyoto university, Japan
Shigeaki MoritaOsaka Electro-Communication University, Japan
Craig SchwartzLawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA
Hiro-o HamaguchiNational Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Christian HuckLeopold-Franzens University, Austria
Yusuke MorisawaKindai University, Japan
Xueguang ShaoNankai University, China
Michal CifraInstitute of Photonics and Electronics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czechia
Masaru TanakaKyushu University, Japan
Koichiro TanakaKyoto University, Japan
Jelena MuncanKobe University, Japan
Gerald H. Pollack
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Roumiana Tsenkova
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Open for public lecture: Aquaphotomics introductory course (bilingual, Japanese & English)
(Workshop English Abstract)
Why Aquaphotomics? (Abstract)
Masato Yasui
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Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo Japan
1989 Medical License (M.D.), Graduated from Keio University School of Medicine (Tokyo, Japan)
1992 Clinical Resident of Pediatrics, St. Luke’s International Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
1992 Clinical Fellow of Neonatolgy, Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Tokyo, Japan
1997 Postgraduate Student, Dept. of Woman and Child Health, Pediatric Unit, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden (Prof. Anita Aperia) (Doctor of Philosophy)
1997-2000 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Dept. of Biological Chemistry, Johns Hopkins Univ. School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA (Prof. Peter Agre)
2001- Assistant Professor, Depts. of Pediatrics and Biological Chemistry, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
2006 Professor and Chair, Department of Pharmacology, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo Japan
Yuichi Ogawa
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April, 1991, Entered Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
March.,1995, Graduated from Okayama University
April, 1995, Enter the Graduate School of Agriculture, Okayama University
March., 1997, Graduated from the Graduate School of Agriculture, Okayama University
Ph.D of Agriculture: from Tohoku Univ. in September, 2005.
Business Experience
April 1, 1997, Yanmer Co., Ltd.
July 9, 2001, Assistant Researcher, Engineering Base Research Department, RIKEN
July 1, 2003, Unit Researcher, Kawase Initiative Research Unit, RIKEN
April 1, 2004, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Agriculture, Tohoku University
July 1, 2005, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Agriculture, Tohoku University
September 1, 2009, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Current Office
Laboratory of Agricultural Process Engineering, Division of Environmental Science & Technology
Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Address: Kitashirakawa-Oiwakecho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
Phone: +81-75-753-6169, FAX: +81-75-753-6171
Shigeaki Morita
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Osaka Electro-Communication University
Born in 1972 in Tokyo, Japan
Ph.D. (2001), Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2001-2003, Postdoctoral Fellow, Hokkaido University
2003-2007, Postdoctoral Fellow, Kwansei-Gakuin University
2007-2012, Assistant Professor, Nagoya University
2012-2017, present, Associate Professor, Osaka Electro-Communication University
2012-present, Professor, Osaka Electro-Communication University
Craig Schwartz
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Hiro-o Hamaguchi
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Christian Huck
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Yusuke Morisawa
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Xueguang Shao
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The main research area of Prof. Shao is chemometrics and its application in analytical chemistry. Since the 90s of the last century, he has engaged in the studies of near infrared spectroscopy. He developed a series of chemometric methods for NIR spectral analysis, including the methods for spectral pre-processing, outlier detection, variable selection, and the methods for quantitative and discrimination analysis. Great efforts were made for selection of the informative variables from the NIR spectra. Aiming at the problem of low sensitivity of NIR spectroscopy, works for the micro-analysis were conducted based on the combination of chemometric and experimental strategies. In recent years, temperature dependent NIR spectroscopy was proposed and new applications were explored. Besides the theoretical studies, Prof. Shao also developed new techniques for practical applications of NIR spectroscopy, such as the technique for monitoring the industrial production and the method for fast identification of medicines.
Michal Cifra
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His long term vision is to explore novel paths to future electrodynamic and electronic therapeutic and diagnostic methods in biotechnology and medicine. To fulfil the vision, he and his team develop computational methods and nanotechnology enabled experimental tools to analyze both active and passive electromagnetic properties of biomaterials from the level of molecules to tissues.
Personal websites:
Laboratory website and link:
Masaru Tanaka
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Koichiro Tanaka
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Jelena Muncan
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Since 2011 she was introduced to the field of aquaphotomics, which considerably shaped all her subsequent research. Her research area is very wide and highly multidisciplinary, encompassing characterization of nanomaterials/materials/biomaterials and their interaction with water, biomedical diagnostics, monitoring and therapy. In all these research projects aquaphotomics plays key role. Her research efforts are directed toward better understanding of the role water has in biocompatibility and function of materials on macro as well as on nano scale. In diagnostics, the quest for water biomarker in body fluids could lead to minimally invasive and non-invasive detection based on the imprint of cumulative changes of all biomolecules with the role in disease pathogenesis. Her ultimate goal is to translate the research results of aquaphotomics to biomedical and other engineering applications.
Jelena Munćan is the author or co-author of more than 60 publications published in international journals and monographs as well as presented at various international conferences worldwide.
Invited Speakers
(click on each speaker to see more info.)
Masao TakayanagiTokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
Angelina KisselovaMedical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
Livio GiulianiINAIL, Italy
Jing-Yan HanPeking University Health Science Center, China
Stefka AtanassovaTrakia University, Bulgaria
Alberto FolettiClinical Biophysics International Research Group, Switzerland
Dusan KojicKeio University, Japan
Zoltan KovacsSzent István University, Hungary
Bernhard PollnerMedical University of Innsbruck, Austria
Akifumi IkehataNational Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO), Japan
Yoshihisa HaradaThe University of Tokyo, Japan
Hiromichi HoshinaRIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics, Japan
Tomohiro HayashiTokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Antonella De NinnoENEA, Italy
Keiichiro ShiragaRIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences, Japan
Everine van de KraatsWater Research Lab, Germany
Yasue MitsukuraKeio University, Japan
Harumi SatoKobe University, Japan
Sae TanakaKeio University, Japan
Federico MariniUniversity of Rome La Sapienza, Italy
Cristina MalegoriDIFAR – University of Genova, Italy
Paolo RenatiUniversity of Catania, Italy
Nikolaj BlomTechnical University of Denmark, Denmark
Ali GahkaniAunir, United Kingdom
Rasmus Gaupp-BerghausenAquaquinta, Austria
Masao Takayanagi
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1989, Get Doctor of Science, The University of Tokyo
・ Chemical applications of inverse Raman spectroscopy
1986-1995, Research Associate, Institute for Molecular Science, Okazaki, Japan (Prof. Ichiro HANAZAKI group)
・ Structures and dynamics of molecular clusters in a supersonic jet
・ Effect of intermolecular interaction on the potentials of large amplitude molecular vibrations
1995-2004, Associate Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan
2004-present, Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan
IR and NIR spectroscopies together with chemometrics have been used for subjects such as follows:
・ Nondestructive quality evaluation of blueberry fruits
・ Identification of fibers for clothes and determination of their blended ratio
・ Inhomogeneity in binary solvent mixtures
・ Variations of hydrogen bonded network of water by dissolving salts or organic compounds
・ Development of new techniques for atmospheric measurements
2011-present, Vice Dean of United Graduate School of Agricultural Science
Angelina Kisselova
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Department: Department of Image and Oral Diagnostics – Sofia;
Institution: Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University of Sofia,
Fields of interest:
- Dental Medicine
- Oral Medicine
- Oral Pathology
- Clinical Immunology
- Clinical Allergology
Non-university non-government positions:
Vice President, International Medical Association Bulgaria (IMAB)
Honorable member of the Bulgarian Scientific Association of Implantoplogy
Livio Giuliani
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Career in Research Institutions
Fellow of the National Group for Mathematical Computer Sciences (GNIM) of Italian Research National Council (CNR), since 1976 (working until 1980).
Fellow of the National Group of Personal Dosimetry for Ionizing Radiation of the Italian Nuclear Energy National Committee (CNEN, working until 1982), since 1976.
Researcher at the Personal Dosimetry Lab of ENPI (Institute of Italian Labor Ministry), whose film dosimetry and TLD procedures were employed to monitor over 40.000 IR exposed workers in Italy, from Apr 18th 1975 until Nov 30th 1982.
Responsible of Informative System of ENPI at Italian Treasure Ministry from Dec 1st 1982 until March 31st 1985.
Researcher at ISPESL (Higher Institute for Prevention and Safety at Work of Italian Health Ministry) from April 1st 1982 until July 22nd 1987.
Senior researcher at ISPESL since July 23rd 1987 until July 7th 1998.
Main professional interests have been protection of people and workers from ionizing and non-ionizing radiations, electric fields, magnetic fields.
Since 1988 up to 2002, on behalf of ISPESL he was in charge of monitoring radiofrequency antennas and co-location facilities as well as high voltage power lines in all the Italian Territory.
Director of researches at ISPESL since July 8th 1998. He was appointed to such position at the Italian Ministry of Health, where such qualification implied the title of full professor, according to the Italian Law 1973/519 and related Decrees (DPR 1980/619 art. 16, DM 2/6/1988 art. 36). The position was recognized starting from March 26th 1993.
Since then, he had the following positions:
– Chief of research programs of the Italian Health Ministry (“finalized researches”) and of ISPESL since 1998
– Chief of the Environmental Radiation and Ultrasounds Research Laboratory of ISPESL form July 8th 1998 up to Aug 31st 2014 (when the Laboratory was no more operative due to the incorporation of ISPESL in INAIL)
– Chief of East Veneto Deputy of ISPESL (in Venice), since Feb 14th 2000 until Dec. 31st 2008
– Chief of East Tuscany Deputy of ISPESL (in Florence), since Jan 1st 2009 until Aug 31st 2015.
– Chief of South Tirol Deputies of ISPESL (in Bozen), since May 24th 2004 until Nov. 10th 2014
In June 1st 2010 ISPESL was incorporated by INAIL (National Institute for Workers Insurances), all such positions were confirmed until to the planned expiring date.
Activity in National and International Bodies and in Courts
As a member of the Italian Working Group for Electromagnetic Field (Decree June 2nd 1997 of the Ministry of Environment) he contributed to the adoption of the Italian Guidelines for N.I.R. Exposures (Decree 1998/381) and of the Italian Law 2001/36 “Framework of restrictions about electromagnetic people exposures”. He provided the scientific rationale for these acts as editor (together with prof. Giovanni Zapponi) of the position paper of the Italian Ministry of Health: “Joint ISPESL-ISS Document about exposures of People and Workers to Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields between 0Hz and 300 GHz”. He was the author of the “Addendum of ISPESL” to such Document. In the Addendum, exposure limits for Italian people were provided and they were adopted in the Italian Law (both documents were published in Fogli di Informazione ISPESL, 1997, IV Suppl.). Both documents were formally approved by the Italian Parliament, unanimously by the Chamber of Representatives with Mozione 1-00360/1999 and by the Senatus in the Commission for Environment. He was appointed (with Dr. Crescimanno) from the Italian Health Ministry to write, the position document of Italy introduced at the EU Council of Ministries, on October 1998, for emending the EU Commission Recommendation Proposal COM1998/268, draft of the Recommendation 1999/519/CE. The Italian position document was written according to the May 5, 1994 and March 10, 1999 EU Parliament Resolutions. The precautionary principle was also proposed as the basis for the EU EMF protection framework.
He was member of EU Council Group of Experts appointed of amending the draft of the EU Rec 1999/519/CE.
He served on the World Health Organization’s Precautionary Principle Working Group (February 2003) and was co-chair at many international meetings.
He is a Co-founder of the International Commission For Electromagnetic Safety (ICEMS) where he has served as spokesman since this organization was founded in 2003 (ICEMS has been quoted as a scientific body of “top scientists” in the Resolution of the Council of Europe 1999/1815 – Annexed Doc 12608, § 44)
He is Member of the Scientific Panel of the European Cancer Research Institute (ECERI) in Brussels (since 2012).
He was Member of the Scientific Panel of the Regional Environment Protection Agency (ARPA) of Emilia Romagna (1999-2001).
He was Member of the Commission for Antenna Siting or Consultant of:
– Land of Lazio (2000)
– Land of Umbria (2002)
– City of Florence (2000)
– City of Rome (1998-2000,2017)
– City of Venice (1999,2006)
– City of Pescara (1999)
– City of Chieti (2000)
– City of Teramo (2000)
– City of Benevento (2004-6)
– City of Monza (2004-5).
Technical Advisor of Italian Ordinary Courts (Tribunale of Lucca, Siena, Catania, Caltagirone), of the Administrative Courts (TAR Lazio, Abruzzo, Campania) and of the Council of the State (Ordinance Oct 20th 2000).
Technical Advisor of the Public Prosecutor of Rome, Belluno, Bolzano, Salerno, Napoli, Viterbo, Vasto.
Academic Activity
After the former activity at University Sapienza of Rome in 1974/5 (see above), he was:
External Lecturer of Bioelectromagnetics at the Higher School of Clinical Chemistry and Biochemistry at University of Camerino (1999-2010)
Lecturer of Mathematics at the Department of Ecology and Biology of the University of Tuscia (2012-2014).
Visiting Professor at the Gazi University, Department of Biophysics, Ankara, hosted by Prof. Nesrin Seyhan, Chief of the Department (2008)
Visiting Professor at the Technical University of Denmark, Department of Nano- and Micro-Technologies, Kr. Lymby, granted by the Otto Monsted Foundation of Copenhagen (Dic 2014/Jan /5)
Responsible of Biophysical Laboratory of Course of Physiotherapy at School of Medicine of University of Abruzzo, Chieti Scalo, since 2016
Research activity
He led a large EMF research program with reference to both fundamental and phenomenological issues of the interaction between EMF and biological systems, with the participation of scientific institutions, including:
– Italian National Council of Researches (CNR, Bologna and Rome Labs),
– Italian Nuclear Energy Committee (ENEA, Frascati, Rome),
– National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN, Milano University Section),
– Cancer Researches Centre “C. Maltoni” of the B. Ramazzini Institute (Bologna)
– University of Florence
– University of Abruzzo (Aquila-Chieti)
– University of Tuscia (Viterbo-Civitavecchia)
– University of Insubria (Varese-Busto Arsizio)
– University Roma 3 (Rome)
– University Sapienza (Rome)
– Humanitas IRCCS (Rozzano, Milan)
– UNESCO World Foundation for Research and Prevention of AIDS (Freiburg)
– Foundation Luc Montagnier (Genève)
He was the Principal Investigator of three Finalized Researches of the Italian Plans of the Health Ministry 1998 and 1999.
He is the Principal Investigator of the Finalized Research of the Italian Plan of the Health Ministry 2009 “ELF induced cardiac stem cells differentiation and maturation and their implant for treatment of heart attacks: a preclinical study”, starting on October 2018.
He participated in several international and national scientific meetings and published several articles on peer reviewed journals, international proceedings books and monographies.
Jing-Yan Han
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Health Science Center
Director, Tasly Microcirculation Research Center, Peking University Health Science Center
1977-1982 Liaoning University of Chinese Medicine
1986-1989 Graduate School of Liaoning University of Chinese Medicine
1993-1999 Department of Internal Medicine, Keio University School of Medicine
1982,12 M.D, Liaoning University of Chinese Medicine, China
1989,7 Master, Liaoning University of Chinese Medicine, China
2002,10 Ph.D, Internal Medicine, Keio University School of Medicine, Jiapan
Professional and Teaching Experiences
1982-1986 Assistant Professor, Department of Basic Chinese Medicine, Liaoning University of Chinese Medicine
1989-1991 Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology and Physiology, 2nd Affiliated Hospital,
Liaoning University of Chinese Medicine
1991-1993 Visiting Researcher, Department of Internal Medicine, Keio University School of Medicine.
2000-2002 Visiting Researcher, Department of Internal Medicine, Keio University School of Medicine
2002-2009 Co-Researcher, Department of Internal Medicine, Keio University School of Medicine
2004-present Director, Tasly Microcirculation Research Center, Peking University Health Science Center
2008-present Professor, Department of Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine,
School of Basic Medical Science, Peking University
2009-present Professor and chairman, Department of Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine,
School of Basic Medical Science, Peking University
2009-present Guest Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Keio University School of Medicine
2009-present Director, Key Laboratory of Microcirculation, State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the People’s Republic of China.
2010-present Professor and chairman, Department of Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine,
Peking University Health Science Center
2012- present Director, Key Laboratory of Stasis and Phlegm, State Administration of Traditional Chinese
Medicine of the People’s Republic of China.
Membership in Professional Societies
1. Vice-president of China Society of Microcirculation.
2. President of the Professional Committee of Microcirculation, Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine
3. President of the Specialty Committee of Qi-Blood, World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies
4. President of the Professional Committee of Phlegm-Stasis, China Society of Microcirculation.
5. President of the Professional Committee of Microcirculation, China Pathophysiological Society
5. Councilor member of Japan Society of Microcirculation
6. Vice-president of Japan Society for Clinical TCM
7. Councilor member of International Liaison Committee for Microcirculation
Editor in chief
World Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Associate editor
Frontiers in Physiology-Vascular Physiology
Stefka Atanassova
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Field of research: Near infrared spectroscopy. Application of NIRS for determination of chemical composition and nutrition value of different feed and forages, analysis of soil, meat, milk and dairy products; diagnosis of mastitis in cows; detection of bacterial contamination of bio-fluid and food products, aquaphotomics approach in food analysis.
Alberto Foletti
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Dusan Kojic
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A Poor Man’s Guide to AquaPhotomics: Analysis of Variance in Near-Infrared Spectra of Water (Workshop Abstract)
Spectral Component Analysis (Abstract)
My Post-doc work started at Kobe University where I spent 3 months (during year 2011.) in the laboratory of Prof. Roumiana Tsenkova, to complete the training in a new approach to studying the structure of water called AquaPhotomics and Multivariate analysis of NIR spectra of water and water based solutions.
My recent and current work is based at Keio University, where I transitioned in second half of year 2011, after completion of training at Kobe University, and is focused around AquaPhotomics. I amd currently affiliated with Dept. of Pharmacology at Keio University, Tokyo. I started my work with characterizing intracellular and extracellular water in Chinese Hamster Ovarian (CHO) cell cultures and my work has since expanded to studies of hydration of various small molecules, as well as to AquaPhotomics of human urine.
My current research interests are focused on improving the pre-processing methods for NIR spectra, and its application onto various water based organic and inorganic solutions, with the purpose of elucidating details of quantitative characterization of hydrogen bonding in water.
Zoltan Kovacs
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Bernhard Pollner
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Akifumi Ikehata
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1996-2001 Graduate School of Bio-Applications and System Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2001 – 2008 Postdoctoral Researcher at RIKEN and Kwansei Gakuin University
2008 – National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO)
2012 – Unit leader of Nondestructive Evaluation Unit*
*This unit is also the secretary of Japan Council for Near Infrared Spectroscopy (JCNIRS).
JCNIRS holds and manages the symposium: “NIR Forum” every year.
Key technologies:
far- and deep-UV spectroscopy
plasmon resonance spectroscopy
near infrared spectroscopy
IR and Raman spectroscopy
Research interests:
AI aided evaluation of foods and agricaltural products
metabolomics v.s. aquaphotomics
solution chemistry (thermodynamics)
Yoshihisa Harada
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Hiromichi Hoshina
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519-1399 Aramaki-Aoba, Aoba-ku,
Sendai, 980-0845, Japan
Tel: +81-22-228-2124
Apr. 1993- Faulty of Science, Kyoto university
Apr. 1998- Master degree
Department of chemitry, faculty of science, Kyoto University
Apr. 2000- Doctor degree
Department of chemitry, faculty of science, Kyoto University
Sep. 2003 Ph.D of science
Apr. 2000-Mar. 2003 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Research Fellow
Oct. 2003-Mar. 2005 Department of Chemistry University of Southern California
Research Scholar (Andrey Vilesov Lab.)
Apr. 2005-Mar. 2015 RIKEN Terahertz Sensing and Imaging Team
Research Scientist
Mar. 2015- RIKEN Terahertz Sensing and Imaging Team
Senior Research Scientist
Tomohiro Hayashi
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Ph.D. May 2003, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, (University of Heidelberg), Germany (Supervisor: Prof. Michael Grunze)
Current and previous positions
Postdoctoral Fellow:
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Guest Researcher, Local Spatio Temporal Lab in RIKEN
2006 Apr- 2007 May
National Metrology Institute of Japan: NMIJ
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology: AIST
2007 June-2010 June
Assistant professor:
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
2010 July-Present
Associate professor:
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Antonella De Ninno
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Her initial interests were in solid state physics and, in particular in low temperature effects on materials and superconductivity.
In 1999-2002 she coordinated the ENEA Project “New Hydrogen Energy” on the nuclear properties of deuterium stored in solid lattices. The project was supervised by the Nobel laureate Carlo Rubbia, former President of ENEA.
The collaboration with two important Italian theoretical physicists, Giuliano Preparata and Emilio Del Giudice, started during the “New Hydrogen Energy” project, moves her towards the concept of quantum electrodynamics (QED) coherence in condensed matter. Such a theory allows an original approach to the supra-molecular structure of liquid water and its peculiar role in biology. Since then she worked on several experimental layout (FTIR, X-ray fluorescence, THz spectroscopy) with the aim to prove the two-fluids nature of liquid water. She is also interested in the effect of ions in the structural order of water. QED also provides an insight in physical mechanism of interaction between extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields and living systems. She is involved in research projects intended to detect such interactions as expected from the theory even in the perspective of practical applications.
Keiichiro Shiraga
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Everine van de Kraats
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She studied medical technical computer science and did a PhD in medical image registration, after which she worked for Philips Healthcare as a clinical scientist for four years. She became interested in a more holistic approach, and worked on bridging Chinese and Western medicine concepts at the Sino-Dutch Centre for Personalized and Preventive Medicine at Leiden University. Subsequently, at ViaLight Research she investigated together with her team the functional effects on biological systems of water from a ‘water vitalizing device’.
The main measurement technique in her work is currently near-infrared spectroscopy using aquaphotomics approach.
Yasue Mitsukura
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Professor, Department of System Design Engineering at Keio University.
(Deputy director of KEIO leading-edge laboratory of science and technology)
(Chief Technical Officer of Dentsu Science JAM co. Ltd.,)
Teaching activities
Teaching courses include Circuit and Systems, Signal Processing, and Bio-medical Signal Processing. For engineering students and M.Sc students.
Research interest
– Bio-medical Signal Processing (EEG, ECG, EOG, EMG, EKG),
– Image Processing,
– Sleep Engineering,
– Mathematics,
– Brain Computer Interface and Brain Machine Interface
Professor at Department of System Design Engineering, Keio University, 2018
Associate professor at Department of System Design Engineering, Keio University, April 2011-2017,
Associate Professor at Department of Bio-Application & Systems Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, January 2005-March 2011,
Lecturer at Department of Information Educations, Okayama University, January 2002 – December 2004,
Supervision of thesis in 2018
7 PhD students
12 Master students
5 Bachelor students
Summary of Publications
International Journals 42
Domestic (Japanese)Journals 40
Books and chapters in books 13
International conferences 425
International Activity
International collaboration 12 countries
Harumi Sato
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Sae Tanaka
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Federico Marini
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Cristina Malegori
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Paolo Renati
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Nikolaj Blom
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Water Bridging Initiative – from descaling drinking water to disarming resistant microbes to liquid crystal properties (Poster Abstract)
Ali Gahkani
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Covariance Weighting in Aquaphotomics (Abstract)
A former Purdue University postdoctoral researcher, he has more than 15 years of research and commercial experience with different methods of vibrational spectroscopy (including Raman and Infrared spectroscopy).
He is currently focused on exploring novel machine learning and data science tools in solving complex spectroscopy problems.
Dr Gahkani has been awarded in a number of international chemometrics competitions including first place in a recent Aquaphotomics competition (Chambersburg shootout 2018).
Rasmus Gaupp-Berghausen
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In May 2018 Rasmus Gaupp-Berghausen got elected as Co-President of the International Light Association (ILA). The ILA is a uniquely collaborative group of light and colour therapy practitioners, health professionals, scientists, educators, product manufacturers, artists, architects, interior designers and philosophers who are passionate about learning and applying the latest theories, techniques and technologies regarding how light and colour can promote health, enhance performance and learning and raise consciousness.
During the last years Rasmus Gaupp-Berghausen has been invited in over 40 countries presenting his work in lectures and workshops. He speaks besides German, English, Danish and Spanish fluently. He lives today with his wife and four children in the western part of Austria.