Presentation Topic
Aquaphotomics for investigating water physics and functionality (Abstract)
In 2018 Everine van de Kraats joined the Water Research Lab (hosted by the Water Research Foundation) in Heidelberg, to investigate physical properties of water and phenomena in ultra-high dilutions. She also works as an independent researcher. Her drive is to bring science about water to the people.

She studied medical technical computer science and did a PhD in medical image registration, after which she worked for Philips Healthcare as a clinical scientist for four years. She became interested in a more holistic approach, and worked on bridging Chinese and Western medicine concepts at the Sino-Dutch Centre for Personalized and Preventive Medicine at Leiden University. Subsequently, at ViaLight Research she investigated together with her team the functional effects on biological systems of water from a ‘water vitalizing device’.

The main measurement technique in her work is currently near-infrared spectroscopy using aquaphotomics approach.