Recordings & Publications Interactions of Linearly Polarized and Unpolarized Light on Kiwifruit Using Aquaphotomics by Damenraj Rajkumar, Rainer Künnemeyer, Harpreet Kaur, Jevon Longdell and Andrew McGloneDownload the article: Investigation of Water Interaction with Polymer Matrices by Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy {:en}Read More{:}{:ja} 続きを読む{:}
Category: Webinar
Aquaphotomics Harvest Webinar Series – Webinar 1
Recordings & Publications Water Spectral Patterns Reveals Similarities and Differences in Rice Germination and Induced Degenerated Callus Development by Zoltan Kovacs, Jelena Muncan, Nobuko Ohmido, George Bazar and Roumiana TsenkovaDownload the article: Correction of Temperature Variation with Independent Water {:en}Read More{:}{:ja} 続きを読む{:}
Aquaphotomics Spring Webinar
Aquaphotomics Spring Webinar Recording is now available on the Aquaphotomics YouTube Channel! Thank you so much for joining us at the webinar! I hope you all enjoy Prof. Hayashi’s talk. As promised, here is the link to the webinar recording: {:en}Read More{:}{:ja} 続きを読む{:}