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AIC2021 Conference Report

Dear Conference Attendees, Friends, and Colleagues, I would like to...

The 4th Aquaphotomics International Conference starts on March 20!

Date: March 20 – 22, 2021 Venue: Centennial Hall, Kobe University, Kobe...

Important Update on the 4th Aquaphotomics International Conference

Due to the uncertainty caused by the current COVID-19 pandemic...

The 19th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy (ICNIRS)

The 19th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy (ICNIRS) took...

The Second Aquaphotomics European Conference

The Second Aquaphotomics European Conference is scheduled to take place...

The First Chinese Conference on Aquaphotomics

From the 21st to 23rd of July, 2019, the “First...

The First Chinese Conference on Aquaphotomics

The First Chinese Conference on Aquaphotomics will be held on...

The 3rd Aquaphotomics International Symposium

The “3rd Aquaphotomics International Symposium – Exploring Water Molecular Systems...

33rd NIR Forum held under Japan Council for Near Infrared Spectroscopy (JCNIRS)

The “33rd NIR Forum held under Japan Council for Near...