The 4th Japanese Aquaphotomics Conference on November 16 & 17, 2024

The 4th Japan Aquaphotomics Conference” (, which will be held on November 16-17, 2024, at Kobe University in a hybrid format. Please note that this event will be conducted primarily in Japanese. However, if you are interested in joining online, you may take advantage of Zoom’s automatic translated captions feature to follow the discussions. Below is the detailed information in Japanese for those attending locally.


ご質問やご不明な点がございましたら、お気軽に までご連絡ください。

2 thoughts on “The 4th Japanese Aquaphotomics Conference on November 16 & 17, 2024”

  1. Morning,

    My name is Jared Palpratt, I am an Osteopath from Australia and I recently met Roumania at the Water Conference. I am wondering if I can attend this and if it will be recorded so that it can be viewed at a later date?
    Also do you know if Roumania allows researchers and interested scientists to observe at her lab?

    1. Hi Jared,
      Thank you for your interest in the Japan Aquaphotomics Conference and for reaching out.
      We are pleased to inform you that some of the videos from the Japan Aquaphotomics Conference 2024 are now available on our official YouTube channel. You can view recordings of selected sessions, including public lectures and sponsor sessions, at the link below:

      Regarding your question about observing research at Dr. Tsenkova’s lab, please reaching out to her directly. I am sure she would be happy to discuss possibilities with you.

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